- leader-for this beloved idolized

In the name of God, the Most Merciful and the Most Powerful - for this beloved idolized man- can befight - canbe die for this way-I want sing for you-my cries are spread time to me- for this beloved idolized man can befight - canbe die for this way-I want sing for you-my cries are spread time to me-the historyowe toyou Iwillwarm my heart to you for tomorrow In your eyes, you and the people light up the dreams of tomorrow- Your eyes are the good news of our morning- brought to us The last lamp of this city is still in your hand-- for this beloved idolized man can befight - canbe die for this way-I want sing for you-my cries are spread time to me- for this beloved idolized man can befight - canbe die for this way-I want sing for you-my cries are spread time to me- Your soul is right An Iranian singsverses with your voice- A knot on your eyebrow made flee the pack of wolves - Your rever has broken the West- The soldiers are pride and honour He has earned an eyebrow - this soil lhave gained with respect and honuor with your martyred firends san with your martyred comrades firends- My voice should be taken from the rain- It is my wish to singfor It is my wish to singfor you until to reach the  seventh convent - Always stay with this love- A poem by Mr. Sahi Lahijan - recited by Mr. Gholamreza Sanatgar