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MOST POWERFU-Iran and Sweden: A little justiceL


MOST POWERFU-Iran and Sweden: A little justiceL

December 19, 2023, 3:15 p.m.

Reading time: 4 min

On Tuesday, Hamid Nouri was found guilty in the second instance by a Stockholm Court of Appeal. The 62-year-old Iranian was convicted by a Stockholm District Court in July 2022 of-

Sympathizers demonstrate in front of the Swedish embassy in Tehran for the release of Hamid Nouri. (Photo: Morteza Nikoubazl/Imago- Hamid Nouri was involved in the murder of political prisoners in Iran in the 1980s. He has now been found guilty in the second instance in Stockholm. How it came about that he is being tried in Sweden- • Print

On Tuesday, Hamid Nouri was found guilty in the second instance before a Stockholm appeals court. The 62-year-old Iranian was sentenced to life imprisonment by a Stockholm district court in July 2022 for murder and serious crimes against humanity. It had been proven that he had taken part in the mass executions in Gohardasht prison in 1988 in a leading capacity- It is thanks to Iraj Mesdaghi that Hamid Nouri was put on trial in Sweden. (Photo: Alex Rühle- He has prepared books and drawings of the Gohardasht prison where he was imprisoned, of the individual wards, the death corridor. But he doesn"t actually need all that, Mesdaghi has a phenomenal memory--Iraj Mesdaghi sympathized with the Mujahideen at the beginning of the Iranian Revolution, which he now sharply criticizes as a fundamentalist sect. He was sentenced to ten years in prison in 1984, was tortured hundreds of times, spent three years in solitary confinement and was repeatedly placed in a box called "the coffin", 80 by 180 centimeters, pitch black-.)