IN THE NAME OF ALLAH-THE MST MERCFUL AND MOST POWER FUL-wikil leaksfounder JULIAN A ssnge,s plane leaves Bangkok onhis way to a USCOURT an later freedom-U.S. surgeon  general declares fire arm violence a public health crisis- - police fire on demonstrators trying to storm Kenya parliament , several dead-israeli Military must DRAFT ultra- orthodox jews, supreme court rules-trump ex pressed cocern that returining  classified docs after subpoena could result in crim in al charges, according  to sealed notes-Karen read: clising argumenta begin in Boston murder trial--- judges Block Parts of Biden"s Student loan Repayment plan- Tony Brass withdraws from representing Oakland Mayor shen thao- biden approve s lowa disaster declaration un locking federal  follow ing extreme flooding-N etanyahu rattled:Israel court rules military must draft -ultra- orthodox men-tories pull support for candidates over bet scandal-Travelers could see hire fares , fewer  avail able seats as Airbus cuts number of planes it expects to make this year-US consumer confidence Declines on Weaker Out look for economy- -- US HOME prices smashed another  record  high in April-Prin cess Anne"doing fine  in hospital after injury" husband says---international   criminal court  issues arrest warrant for Russia " s SHoigu and          Gerasi mov---toxic chemical burn-of in 2023 ohio train  derailment was un needed, NTSB say- trump lawyers in classified docunents case will ask the judge to suppress evidence from prosecutors - 5 killed as Kenyan police crack down on tax prosts Parliament set afire-Chinese lunar probe returns to Earth with  the world ,s first samples from the far side of the moon-Astronaut delayed return reflects high  stakes for Boeing and NASA-Scientists Find First Evidence that BUTTERFLY crossed an ocean- WHO and scientists call urgent action on dangerous mpox strain