سفارش تبلیغ
صبا ویژن

!!about hand closed

IN the name of God,the most merciful and most compassionate . it is my personal opinion-no one has written that ImamAli as prayedwith his handclosed and also Imam Hussein pbuh did not even says any bodythat accursed prayed with hand closed and also muoawiyah and yazid prayed with handclosed  damn with both the hadith about handclosed prayer of holy prophet pbuh praying with handclosed did not find by Imam mall the tradition of Shiite people who loved the family of the holy the prophet pbuh  and  blessing of God pbuh  did tell them about handclosed prayer of holy prophet p buh-the Mr.omar based  on personal taste and politics and he said that God Almaigthy is superior to king of Iran  that
 the people of  Iran that they didwerebowing  and were prostrating and when they were standing with the were handclosed